The Art of Beginning

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The Art of Beginning


Building practices for starting new projects, weaving in daily rituals, and resuming our work after we’ve strayed

This class was recorded live on Sunday May 28 2023

WHO IT’S FOR : Artist, writers, weirdos, small business owners who want to start a new project but are getting stuck, want to set up daily rituals, or have gotten off track with a project and want to begin again


This two hour workshop / lecture / ultimate creative pep talk is an invitation to reset the expectations you have been putting on yourself and right size them for the benefit of your creative practice and those who you share with

You have so many ideas but don’t know where to start!

You are half way through writing an essay, book proposal, or novel and you stalled and starting again feels impossible


Drawing on my experience as an artist who is both deeply devoted and easily distracted, I will talk us through a series of writing exercises and prompts to set up our physical, digital, and emotional spaces in a way that supports us beginning projects with ease and gratitude


A clear path forward for your next project, business idea, hobby, and daily rituals

Cool new people to connect with if you wish

Inspiration to weave in to your life, creative pursuits, and day to day


  • Visualization

  • Outlining Themes and Hope Outcomes

  • Designing projects to get there

  • Daily Rituals

  • Creating accountability structures

  • Taking time to begin three things


Consider this before you sign up - when signing up you are consenting to taking a class with a tornado person - This class is taught by Cody, an artist and writer, who has been self employed and beginning again and again and again with no boss for a decade

Cody is not a therapist, mental health professional, trauma informed facilitator, or anything else that would give them credentials for talking about the brain and how it figures out how to plan a day

They are a hermit and a social person and many things and skilled at planning as a Gemini, Human Design Manifestor, Queer person, freak, and artist

They love to create fun and joyful containers for figuring out how to live in the world as an expert of nothing, a devotee to the mystery

Many of the lessons in this class are borrowed by and inspired by healing with ADHD, 12 step rooms, spiritual practice, The Artist’s Way, and more

See terms and services for all online class here


Whether you are neurodivergent, ADHD, have a mood disorder, chronic pain, the list goes on - how much access we have to our relationship with overwhelm, distraction, and shutting down is dependent on many factors. It is important to remember I am facilitating as an artist, not as a therapist or someone trained within modalities of mental health. What this means is you'll have to take what you like and leave the rest! Not everything will work for every person, this course will, however, empower you to have the information to mold and fit to your specific needs and desires. It will also help you determine the difference between when you are just beating yourself up for not "doing something you said you would do - and shifting into a space of awe and devotion. This part might activate - that's good : may the pushing back guide you closer to yourself. See you there!

A final note on the energy of the zoom room : This could be a small group, it could be a huge group, your ex might be there or your old neighbor. The mystery of digital spaces will invite us into our beautiful boundaries. Honor your physical and emotional needs and shift them throughout the two hours : camera on / camera off. Participate in the chat exercises or don't. Face your camera to show us a plant the whole time. This is your experience! Many Blessings - Marlee

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